4 protection method about vacuum packaging pouch

Publish Time: 2016-04-18     Origin: Site

Today, people's living standards continue to improve, the quality of our life requirements are becoming higher, it also allows the use of vacuum bags become more widespread. Then how to protect to keep using it for longer periods of time and how much longer it now friends know vacuum bag method of protecting it? Here I will introduce four protection method about vacuum packaging pouch for you.

1. The vacuum bags are affected by temperature. Try to remember not to put them in direct sunlight to be able to place because of the strong ultraviolet radiation will accelerate aging vacuum bags.

2. The vacuum bag must try to avoid extremes of heat and cold storm, so as to prevent the expansion and contraction of the vacuum bag and then shortened life expectancy.

3. Remember never vacuum packing bags damp, poorly ventilated place, it is easy to make bags to rot away, thereby affecting its use.

4. For some time have not used vacuum bags, be sure to carefully check that they have no cracks, and then start using it.

These are the four protection method of vacuum packaging bags, we normally use, we must remember that this method, in order to make your bags have a better life.


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